Thursday, August 12, 2010

We're in!

On July 1st, we moved in to our fab new spot in Montclair New Jersey.  It's not large for a house, but it is a lot to keep track of.  Now that we have a crawler in the house again it's especially time consuming.  So far, I haven't explored enough to feel too different about the place.  I spend a lot of time cleaning clothing, sheets, children, floors and dishes.  Not enough time building the brand, though I hope this changes as big little one heads to school in the fall. 

By the way, we got into the Edgemont School, a public Montessori about 2 miles away.  Very exciting.  He gets a bus!  I'm hoping his friends are awesome.

We also found some Brooklyn friends about a block away.  So lucky.  They have 2 kids also and are a musician family.  Whuck?

Still feeling lucky.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Blogging Windermere

We have been fortunate in our 15 years of cohabitation to have found interesting places to live. Right now we live in beautiful Fort Greene, Brooklyn, its tree-lined streets filled with old brownstones. The street life here is vibrant. Everyone is beautiful and their children are all strong and brilliant. We have lucked out yet again in our newest domicile. In a short while we'll be moving to Montclair, NJ. As native New Yorkers whose adult lives have revolved around city living, this is a giant step in a new direction. But when, for the price of most two bedroom 800 square foot apartments in NY we can have a house with a yard and still go out for Ethiopian food on a regular basis, well, we couldn't pass it up. I'm hoping to chronicle our family's transition from Brooklyn, NY to Montclair, NJ. I understand we are neither the first nor the last family to make this journey. I'm curious to see how my own perspectives will change. I hope this blog is helpful and informative to other urbanites who may be considering this shift.